Valeport is the leading UK manufacturer of hydrometric, oceanographic and hydrographic instruments including tide gauges, velocity sensors and profilers, echo sounders and more.
Products Include
Sound Velocity Sensors
Valeport are world leaders in Sound Velocity technology.
Achieved through innovation and meticulous attention to detail throughout the design, manufacture and calibration processes.
MiniSVS Sound Velocity Sensors
The miniSVS Sound Velocity Sensors use state of the art digital “time of flight” technology to provide the lowest noise, highest accuracy, best resolution sound velocity data available.
It’s small size and choice of sensor lengths down to just 25mm make the sensor suitable for a variety of applications and the optional pressure or temperature sensor adds versatility. There is a choice of data formats to allow interface to existing systems.
They also offer OEM and custom designs.
These sensors work seamlessly with Multi-Beam Echo-Sounders
Designed from the outset with the intention of a seamless workflow, the SWiFT SVP has integral GNSS to geo-locate every profile.
This new compact unit features high accuracy SV, Pressure and Temperature as you would expect, plus integral GNSS, re-chargeable battery, LED status indications for GNSS, battery and communications.
Tide Gauges
Tide Gauges provide perhaps the most fundamental of all marine measurements – Accurate tidal information.
This is critical for Port & Harbour Operations, Dredging, Surveying, instrumentation deployments, and many other applications.
TideMaster Portable Tide Gauge
The TideMaster is a small, cost effective Water Level Recorder, specifically designed for applications where the user requires an accurate record of water height, but with the added option of meteorological data via a ultrasonic wind speed and direction sensor.
Suitable for use in fresh or salt water, the TideMaster can be deployed for up to 1 year, dependant on the sampling rate, with instrument set up and data retrieval via an optional display panel or using the PC software supplied. Alternatively, the system can be supplied with radio modules for real time data transmission.
The Tidemaster can be supplied with a water pressure or radar sensor
MIDAS WLR Water Level Recorder
The MIDAS WLR is designed for long or short-term deployments offshore or locations where a traditional shore based tide gauge is impractical.
The MIDAS WLR may be moored in line or to the seabed.
The standard instrument is fitted with a 0.01% accuracy pressure sensor and acetal housing for up to 500m depth rating, with a deep-water titanium housed option also available.